Zitate und Bemerkungen von Kolleg:innen zu meiner Arbeit

The extraordinary percussionist Fritz Hauser has made his musical thought available for performance and study with these scores. Professionals, educators and students will benefit from Hauser’s unique contribution to the field.
PAULINE OLIVEROS / Composer, Philosopher, Artist. Kingston / USA
From the first moment I heard Fritz Hauser’s DIE KLIPPE, I knew I was listening to the work of a very special artist.
GREGORY BEYER / Associate Professor Northern Illinois University, USA

ZEICHNUNG: Simply one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever performed. This piece never fails to impress and is very accessible to any audience.

ZEICHNUNG always has a long lasting impression on listeners and performers,

I have performed this piece more than 10 times with different people and it always leaves us and the audience feeling calm, quiet and complete. Highly recommended!!

LE SOUVENIR: Always a lot of fun and a great piece for building communication skills in any quartet.

Great for developing snare drum technique!

DIE WELLE: An excellent addition to the musical tributes of “La Mer”. The evocative title is expertly brought to life by the composer’s deep knowledge of cymbals, tam tams and timpani; you will be truly immersed in “The Wave”. A fabulous piece for understanding the art of dynamic control and how to musically paint a picture.

AS WE ARE SPEAKING:  Discover the beauty of temple blocks as intricate speech rhythms delicately weave through the ensemble.

JOHN ARCARO / Assistant Timpanist/Percussionist Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Melbourne / Australia
With DIE WELLE Fritz Hauser has written a piece that exhilarates both player and listener by its unheard tonal qualities and seemingly limitless dynamics. The music creates the feeling that time comes to a halt or accelerates, the sound seems to enlarge the room. Thus it redefines percussion music for classical as well as modern players and composers. Among musicians, drummers are the story tellers par excellence, DIE WELLE is one of Fritz Hauser’s most moving tales.
ROB KLOET / Drummer, Composer. Amsterdam / Holland
Fritz Hauser is “Heaven on a Stick”. His music speaks to our inner voice and focuses our heart!
GARY FRANCE / Associate Professor/Reader of Music, Coordinator of Percussion, Canberra / Australia
Fritz Hauser est un “Musicien sculpteur”, travaillant sur le son comme le sculpteur sa pierre, créant des espaces sans cesse renouvelés. Moments suspendus dans lequel le geste et le son ne font qu’un.
JEAN GEOFFROY / Soliste international, Professeur au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Lyon / France, Directeur artistique du Centre International de Percussion de Genève / Suisse

ZYTRAFFER is a haunting composition; minimalist with a strong emotional content.

Hauser’s music is imaginative and sensitive never lacking a sense of humor.

His attention to detail extends to the combination of sounds he chooses and the interplay of the ensemble.

His work is truly unique and deserves to be better known in the US and I can recommend it highly.

MICHAEL ROSEN / Professor for Percussion, Oberlin Conservatory / USA
Try AS WE ARE SPEAKING with your percussion ensemble and let them experience mesmerizing music, with chopsticks. Fritz always brings a refreshingly new slant to music. Students, the younger the better, understand immediately and their ideas about percussion will forever be changed.
ROBIN ENGELMAN / Founding member of Nexus emeritus, 30 years director of the University of Toronto percussion ensemble emeritus. Toronto / Canada
Fritz Hauser is one of the most creative composers writing for percussion today. He somehow manages to find original percussive concepts for each of his works and they always contain a wonderful balance of heart and mind.
PETER NEVILLE / Head Of Percussion, University Of Melbourne / Australia

Fritz Hauser is a beautiful, unique voice in percussion composition. Synergy has been playing the ensemble music for some time, and have been so taken by their evocative power that we are in the process of commissioning a new work from him. As a performing improviser, Hauser is known for his immaculate attention to detail of sound, and a language which assumes no boundaries from the instruments that he

uses, seemingly approaching each as if for the first time, yet always with consummate skill. It is fabulous to see how his composition catalogue brings this aesthetic to the printed page, offering percussionists worldwide a chance to escape into a spacious, elegant and frequently beautiful sound world. These works are in the paired

back language of an artist at the peak of his creative output, sometimes deceptive in their simplicity, they are a valuable antidote to so much of the rhythmic, overtly active music for percussion that claims so much attention.

TIMOTHY CONSTABLE / Percussionist, Composer, Artistic Director of Synergy Percussion, Sydney / Australia

Fritz Hauser ist eine erfrischende Ausnahmeerscheinung in unserer Musikwelt. Seine zunächst aus der Improvisation entwickelte, sehr persönliche Spielästhetik vermittelt sich auch in den vorliegenden Solo-und Ensemblekompositionen. Seine außerordentliche musikalische und physikalische Sensibilität für Klang schärfen als Hörer und Interpreten unsere Sinne für die Wahrnehmung von Zeit und Raum.

In der Auseinandersetzung mit seinen Kammermusikwerken erfahren und lernen wir viel über das gemeinsame Gestalten von synergetischem Klang und fließender Veränderung. Sie erfordern eine außerordentlich kommunikative Spielattitüde, weit über das grundlegende “Zusammen”-Spiel hinaus.

Ich freue mich, dass seine Musik nun ein breiteres Interesse erfährt, und hoffe dass seine Werke die Aufmerksamkeit erhalten, die sie verdienen, denn für unser Repertoire sind sie allemal Edelsteine!

JOHANNES FISCHER / Percussion Soloist, Composer, Head of Percussion Department at the Lübeck Music University
Fritz Hauser’s work lifts percussion to the highest level of artistic experience, to a place that one goes when dreaming or suddenly awakening to the beauty around them. His oeuvre of composed percussion music inhabits a world of honest and beautiful sound, a place deep beneath the surface of the score within the realm of unfettered experience.
EUGENE UGHETTI / Artistic Director, Speak Percussion, Melbourne / Australia

DIE WELLE creates a shimmering, magical, multi-dimensional world of sound that reaches out to touch the listener’s soul and fill it with wonder.  DIE WELLE is astonishing and exhilarating!

Filled with a sense of ritual and flowing beauty, ZEICHNUNG caresses the ears with gently cascading waterfalls of sound.  The cymbals gradually reveal their secrets in a piece of extraordinary poise and beauty!

TIM WHITE / Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Perth / Australia

Fritz Hauser ist ein Komponist der klaren Linien, ein Architekt des unerhörten Klanges.

Rituale der Einfachheit und die Sinnlichkeit der Gesten, entfalten sich in seiner Musik in klaren, reduzierten Aktionen. Er baut “Klangräume”, die neue Perspektiven öffnen und dadurch die Wahrnehmung sowohl des Spielers als auch des Zuhörers verändern.

Fritz Hauser – Ein Seiltänzer, in der Faszination des Tuns stets auf der Suche nach der “Wahrheit” der Musik.

SYLWIA ZYTYNSKA / Percussionist, Composer, Educator / Poland